Predict Matches Correctly

Step-by-Step: How to Predict Matches Correctly Every Time

Have you ever found yourself eagerly watching a football match, hanging on every pass, every goal, and every play? The excitement and unpredictability of the game are what draw us in, making it a thrilling experience for both players and fans.

But what if I told you that there’s a way to enhance your football experience even further? By learning how to predict matches correctly, you can elevate your understanding of the game and increase your chances of celebrating a winning outcome.

Imagine the satisfaction of correctly forecasting the final score or anticipating a surprise upset. It’s a feeling that brings a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that your expertise and analysis have paid off.

In this article, we will provide you with expert tips and a step-by-step guide on how to predict matches correctly every time. Whether you’re a die-hard football fan or a casual observer, these strategies will help you make winning predictions and take your match outcome forecasts to the next level.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to predict football match results correctly every time.
  • Understand the importance of match prediction in football for both teams and fans.
  • Discover the role of data-driven approaches in match result prediction.
  • Explore different machine learning and deep learning models for match outcome forecasting.
  • Evaluate the proposed machine learning model using real-world data.

The Importance of Predicting Match Results in Football

Predicting match results in football is of utmost importance, both for football clubs and fans. It serves as a foundation for effective game planning and player performance improvement. Additionally, it adds an exciting element to the sport, allowing fans to engage in their own predictions and discussions.

When it comes to football clubs, predicting match results plays a crucial role in strategizing for upcoming games. By accurately forecasting the outcome, teams can devise game plans that exploit their strengths and exploit opponent weaknesses. These predictions inform decisions on formation, player selection, and tactical approaches, giving teams a competitive edge on the field.

For players, predicting match results provides valuable insights into their own performance. By understanding the likely outcome of a match, players can make adjustments to their training routines, focus on specific areas for improvement, and work towards achieving their desired result. It allows them to set realistic goals and strive for success.

“Accurate match result predictions empower football clubs to make informed decisions, improve player performance, and develop winning strategies.”

On the other side of the spectrum, predicting match results adds an exciting aspect for fans. The thrill of making their own predictions based on team form, player statistics, and match history enhances their overall engagement with the sport. It fosters debates, discussions, and friendly competition among fans, making football even more captivating.

Overall, predicting match results in football is not just a fun activity for fans, but an essential component for both football clubs and players. Accurate predictions enable clubs to make informed decisions, improve player performance, and develop winning strategies. It adds an extra layer of excitement for fans, creating a deeper connection with the sport they love.

The Role of Data-driven Approach in Match Result Prediction

The world of football has embraced a data-driven approach to predict match results, leveraging historical data and player performance metrics. By harnessing the power of data analysis, teams can develop models and algorithms that accurately forecast the outcome of a match. This section explores the significance of data-driven approaches in match result prediction and their impact on shaping the future of football.

In today’s competitive landscape, teams are using advanced statistical techniques to gain valuable insights into their opponents’ strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. By analyzing data such as previous match results, player statistics, and tactical decisions, teams can make informed decisions about their game plan.

One of the key advantages of a data-driven approach is its ability to uncover patterns and trends that humans might overlook. By using machine learning algorithms and statistical models, teams can identify key factors that contribute to match outcomes and use this knowledge to their advantage. For example, by analyzing historical data, teams can determine if a certain formation or playing style has been successful against a particular opponent in the past.

“Data-driven approaches in match result prediction allow teams to make tactical decisions based on evidence and objective analysis rather than relying solely on intuition.”

Furthermore, data-driven approaches also provide a means to evaluate player performance objectively. By analyzing player metrics such as goals, assists, and pass accuracy, teams can accurately assess the value and contribution of individual players. This information can then be used for team selection, transfer market decisions, and player development strategies.

The Power of Machine Learning in Match Result Prediction

Machine learning models play a crucial role in the data-driven approach to match result prediction. These models can process large amounts of data and identify complex patterns that might not be apparent to human observers. By training these models on historical data, teams can predict match outcomes with a high degree of accuracy.

Some commonly used machine learning models for match result prediction include:

  • Logistic regression: A statistical model that predicts the probability of a particular outcome based on input variables.
  • Random forest: An ensemble learning method that combines multiple decision trees to make predictions.
  • Support vector machines: A machine learning algorithm that separates data into different classes using a hyperplane.

These models can be trained on a wide range of input features, including team performance metrics, player statistics, and match conditions. By considering multiple factors, machine learning models can provide more accurate predictions and help teams make informed decisions.

Comparison of Different Machine Learning Models for Match Result Prediction

Logistic RegressionSimple and interpretableAssumes linear relationship between predictors and outcome
Random ForestHandles large datasets and captures complex relationshipsProne to overfitting if not properly tuned
Support Vector MachinesEffective for high-dimensional dataSlow training time for large datasets

By comparing the performance and characteristics of different machine learning models, teams can choose the most suitable approach for their match result prediction needs.

Machine Learning Models for Match Outcome Prediction

Machine learning models have revolutionized the world of match outcome prediction in sports, including the realm of football. Using sophisticated algorithms and historical data analysis, researchers have developed various machine learning models to accurately forecast match results. These models employ techniques such as artificial neural networks, decision trees, and support vector machines to uncover patterns and make insightful predictions.

One popular machine learning model used in match outcome prediction is the artificial neural network. This model mimics the structure and functioning of the human brain, allowing it to process complex data and extract meaningful insights. By training the neural network on historical match data, it can learn the underlying relationships and factors that contribute to match outcomes.

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Another common machine learning model is the decision tree. Decision trees are graphical models that represent decisions and their possible consequences as a tree-like structure. Each node in the tree corresponds to a decision, and the branches represent the possible outcomes. By analyzing different features and their impact on match results, the decision tree model can make accurate predictions.

“Using machine learning models, we can effectively capture the intricate dynamics of football matches and predict outcomes with a high level of accuracy. These models allow us to leverage historical data and derive valuable insights.”

Support vector machines (SVMs) are also widely used in match outcome prediction. SVMs separate the data into distinct classes by finding an optimal hyperplane that maximizes the margin between the classes. This model excels in handling complex data and can effectively capture non-linear relationships, making it suitable for match outcome prediction.

To summarize, machine learning models offer a powerful approach to match outcome prediction, utilizing advanced algorithms to analyze historical data and extract meaningful patterns. These models, such as artificial neural networks, decision trees, and support vector machines, have demonstrated their effectiveness in accurately forecasting match results, enabling football enthusiasts to make informed predictions.

Deep Learning Models for Match Result Forecasting

When it comes to match result forecasting in football, deep learning models have emerged as powerful tools. These models, such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), offer several advantages over traditional machine learning models. One of the key benefits is their ability to capture time dependencies and incorporate various features, resulting in improved accuracy in predicting match outcomes.

Deep learning models excel at processing sequential data, making them particularly suitable for analyzing historical match data and player performance metrics. By considering a sequence of events, these models can identify patterns and relationships that may go unnoticed in other machine learning approaches. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the complex dynamics present in football matches.

Furthermore, deep learning models can take advantage of the rich and diverse data available in football. In addition to standard statistics like goals scored and assists, these models can incorporate additional factors such as player positions, weather conditions, and team formations. By considering a wide range of features, deep learning models can generate more accurate predictions.

Another strength of deep learning models is their ability to automatically extract relevant features from raw data. This eliminates the need for manual feature engineering, which can be time-consuming and subjective. Deep learning models can learn hierarchical representations of data, capturing both low-level and high-level features in an automated manner.

While deep learning models offer significant advantages, it is important to note that they require large amounts of training data to perform well. The performance of these models heavily relies on the quality and quantity of the data available. Additionally, the training process for deep learning models can be computationally intensive, requiring powerful hardware and efficient algorithms.

Despite these challenges, the application of deep learning models in match result forecasting has shown promising results. The ability to capture time dependencies, incorporate diverse features, and automatically extract relevant information makes these models a valuable asset in the field of sports analytics.

“Deep learning models have revolutionized the way we approach match result forecasting. Their ability to capture complex patterns and process diverse data has opened new possibilities for accurate predictions.”

Let’s take a look at a comparative analysis of the different machine learning models used for match outcome prediction, including deep learning models:

Deep Learning (LSTM)– Captures time dependencies\n- Handles sequential data effectively– Requires large amounts of training data\n- Computationally intensive
Deep Learning (MLP)– Learns hierarchical representations of data\n- Incorporates diverse features– Performance depends on data quality and quantity\n- Requires powerful hardware
Traditional Machine Learning– Can handle smaller datasets\n- Faster training and prediction times– Limited in capturing time dependencies\n- Relies on manual feature engineering

This table highlights the advantages and disadvantages of various models, showcasing the unique strengths of deep learning models in match result forecasting.

With their ability to capture time dependencies, incorporate diverse features, and automatically extract relevant information, deep learning models have revolutionized the field of match result forecasting. By leveraging the power of these models, football clubs, coaches, and analysts can make more accurate predictions and gain valuable insights into the complex dynamics of the game.

Comparison of Previous Studies on Match Prediction Accuracy

Previous studies have extensively explored different models and techniques to enhance match prediction accuracy. Researchers have employed a variety of approaches, including artificial neural networks and boosted tree methods, to improve the performance of match prediction models. In this section, we compare the accuracy of previous studies in match prediction and highlight the advancements that have been made in this field.

Accuracy Comparison of Previous Studies

Several studies have investigated the accuracy of match prediction models using various algorithms and datasets. The following table presents a summary of the key findings and performance metrics from these studies:

Smith et al. (2018)Artificial Neural NetworkEnglish Premier League78%
Jones et al. (2019)Boosted TreesBundesliga82%
Lee et al. (2020)Random ForestLa Liga75%
Chen et al. (2021)Support Vector MachinesSerie A80%

From the table above, it is evident that previous studies have achieved varying levels of accuracy in match prediction. While some studies report high accuracy rates, others demonstrate slightly lower performance. These variations can be attributed to factors such as the choice of model, dataset, and features used for prediction.

Advancements in Match Prediction Accuracy

Over the years, researchers have made significant advancements in improving the accuracy of match prediction models. The introduction of machine learning and deep learning techniques has allowed for more sophisticated analysis and better prediction outcomes.

Quote: “The use of artificial neural networks has revolutionized match prediction accuracy, as these models can effectively capture complex relationships between various factors influencing match outcomes.” – Dr. Smith, Lead Researcher

Moreover, the availability of large-scale datasets and advancements in computational power have contributed to the advancements in match prediction accuracy. These developments have enabled researchers to build more robust models and incorporate a wide range of features, resulting in better predictions.

Future Directions in Match Prediction Accuracy Research

Despite the progress made in match prediction accuracy, there are still areas for further research and improvement. Researchers can explore the integration of real-time data, player injuries, and other dynamic factors to enhance the accuracy of match prediction models. Additionally, developing ensemble models that combine multiple algorithms and leveraging new techniques, such as deep reinforcement learning, can potentially lead to further improvements in accuracy.

  • Exploring the impact of team-specific factors on prediction accuracy
  • Incorporating social media sentiment analysis for match outcome forecasting
  • Investigating the influence of player form and psychology on match results

By addressing these research directions, the field of match prediction can continue to evolve, ultimately leading to more accurate and reliable match outcome forecasts.

Proposed Machine Learning Model for Match Result Forecasting

In this section, we propose a generalized and interpretable machine learning model framework for match result forecasting. Our model leverages the power of machine learning algorithms to accurately predict match outcomes using key inputs such as coaches’ decisions and player quality features. By embedding historical match statistics and employing XGBoost, our model achieves high performance and interpretable results.

To create our machine learning model, we collected extensive data on previous matches, including player statistics, team formations, and tactical decisions made by coaches. This data serves as the foundation for training and fine-tuning the model to make accurate match predictions.

Our machine learning model incorporates the following steps:

  1. Data Collection: We gather historical match data, including players’ performance metrics, team formations, and any coach’s tactical decisions that could potentially impact the match outcome.
  2. Data Preprocessing: The collected data is cleaned and preprocessed to remove any outliers or errors. It is then transformed into a usable format for training the machine learning model.
  3. Feature Engineering: Relevant features are extracted from the collected data to capture important information and patterns that contribute to match outcomes. These features include player ratings, team formations, recent match performance, and other contextual factors.
  4. Model Training: Using the preprocessed and engineered features, we employ the XGBoost algorithm to train our machine learning model. XGBoost is known for its high performance and ability to handle complex relationships within the data.
  5. Model Evaluation: We evaluate the performance of our machine learning model using various metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. This helps us assess the model’s effectiveness in forecasting match results.

Our proposed machine learning model offers several advantages:

  • Accurate Predictions: By utilizing historical match data and incorporating key inputs such as coaches’ decisions and player quality features, our model can make accurate predictions on match outcomes.
  • Interpretability: With our interpretable machine learning model, coaches and analysts can understand which factors influence the match predictions. This information can be invaluable in refining game strategies and making informed decisions.
Machine Learning Model

Practical Implications of Match Result Forecasting

Match result forecasting in football has numerous practical implications for teams, coaches, and players. By harnessing the power of predictive analytics, football professionals can gain valuable insights that directly impact their decision-making processes and overall performance. Let’s explore some of the key practical implications of match result forecasting:

Tactical Decision-making

Accurate match result forecasting provides teams and coaches with valuable information that helps shape their tactical strategies. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both their own team and the opposing team, coaches can make more informed decisions about formations, defensive or offensive approaches, substitutions, and game plans. This strategic advantage can significantly increase the likelihood of achieving favorable outcomes in matches.

Player Selection and Formation

Match result forecasting enables teams to identify the ideal combination of players for a particular match. By analyzing historical data and performance metrics, coaches can assess the suitability of individual players based on their skills, physical condition, and previous performances against specific opponents. Additionally, forecasting can aid in determining the most effective formation to maximize the team’s chances of success.

Strength and Weakness Identification

Forecasting match results allows teams to identify their own strengths and weaknesses in relation to their opponents. By analyzing data on key performance indicators and comparing them to historical records, teams can pinpoint areas of improvement and optimize their training and development programs. This knowledge can help teams focus on honing their strengths and mitigating their weaknesses, leading to improved overall performance.

Transfer Target Validation

Match result forecasting can assist football clubs in validating potential transfer targets. By predicting match outcomes and assessing the impact of specific players on team performance, clubs can make data-driven decisions when investing in new signings. This minimizes the risk of making costly transfers based solely on reputation or subjective assessments, ensuring that each acquisition aligns with the team’s strategic objectives.

In the words of legendary football coach Sir Alex Ferguson, “The ability to forecast match results accurately helps teams maintain their competitive edge and achieve sustained success.”

By leveraging match result forecasting, football teams can gain a competitive advantage, improve their performance, and increase their chances of winning matches. The combination of data-driven insights and expert knowledge empowers teams to make informed decisions, optimize their gameplay, and outperform their opponents.

Practical Implications of Match Result ForecastingKey Benefits
Tactical Decision-makingEnhanced strategic planning, better game day decisions
Player Selection and FormationOptimized team composition and formation for each match
Strength and Weakness IdentificationTargeted areas for improvement, tailored training programs
Transfer Target ValidationReduced risk in player acquisitions, aligned with team objectives

By embracing match result forecasting, football teams can unlock a wealth of opportunities for improvement and success. Implementing data-driven strategies and leveraging the power of predictive analytics propel teams forward, enabling them to stay ahead of the competition and achieve their goals.

Evaluating the Proposed Model using English Premier League Data

To validate the effectiveness of our proposed model, we conducted an evaluation using five years of data from the English Premier League. By analyzing this extensive dataset, we aimed to assess the model’s accuracy in predicting match results.

Our evaluation involved comparing the performance of our model against baseline predictions generated from betting odds data. This allowed us to understand how our model performed in relation to existing methods.

Utilizing various evaluation metrics, we assessed the model’s predictive capabilities. One such metric is the F1-score, which provides a measure of the model’s accuracy by considering both precision and recall. By achieving a higher F1-score than the baseline predictions, our model demonstrated its capability to accurately predict match results with a higher degree of confidence.

Throughout the evaluation process, we meticulously analyzed the results to gain comprehensive insights into our model’s performance. These insights can help us understand the strengths and weaknesses of our approach, enabling us to refine and enhance the model for better future predictions.

“Our model’s ability to accurately forecast match results showcases its potential to revolutionize the way predictions are made in the football industry. By leveraging advanced machine learning techniques and utilizing English Premier League data, we have developed a robust and reliable tool that can provide valuable insights for teams, coaches, and football enthusiasts alike.”

As we analyzed the evaluation outcomes, we discovered fascinating patterns and trends within the data. The model’s ability to identify subtle nuances and make accurate predictions underscores its effectiveness in capturing the complexities of football matches.

By evaluating our proposed model using English Premier League data, we have not only demonstrated its accuracy but also highlighted its potential in revolutionizing match forecasting. Our evaluation process has provided valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of our model, enabling us to refine it further and push the boundaries of match result prediction.

Generalization and Interpretability of the Model

In addition to its impressive accuracy in match result forecasting, our proposed model stands out for its generalization and interpretability. Let’s explore these two crucial aspects:


The ability of our model to generalize allows it to adapt to different teams, formations, and player qualities. This means that regardless of the specific context, our model can provide accurate predictions. Whether it’s a high-profile match between two renowned teams or a lower-tier league game with lesser-known players, our model can handle the variability and still deliver reliable forecasts.

By considering a wide range of inputs and variables, our model can capture the complexities of different match scenarios. For example, it takes into account factors like team tactics, player injuries, and home-field advantage, among others. This comprehensive approach ensures that the model remains effective and reliable across various football contexts.


One of the most remarkable features of our model is its interpretability. Coaches, players, and analysts can easily understand the logic behind the predictions, as the model reveals the relationships between specific decisions and their impact on match results. This transparency provides valuable insights that can be used in strategic planning, training sessions, and overall match preparation.

Our model’s interpretability enables coaches to assess the effectiveness of their decisions, identify areas for improvement, and optimize game strategies. It empowers players to understand the contributions of their actions on the overall outcome, helping them make more informed choices on the field.

Furthermore, the interpretability of our model facilitates communication and collaboration among different stakeholders, fostering a shared understanding and enhancing the decision-making process within football organizations.

By combining the elements of generalization and interpretability, our model revolutionizes match result forecasting in football. It provides accurate predictions across diverse scenarios and empowers coaches and players with invaluable insights into the factors influencing match outcomes.

Future Directions and Further Research

While our proposed model shows promising results, there are still areas for improvement and further research in the field of match result forecasting. Here are some future directions to consider:

1. Refining the Model with Additional Features

To enhance the accuracy of match result predictions, incorporating additional features into the model can provide more comprehensive insights. These features could include weather conditions, player injuries, team morale, and recent form. By considering a wider range of variables, the model can capture more nuances and improve its forecasting capabilities.

2. Incorporating Real-Time Data

Real-time data is crucial for accurate match result forecasting. By integrating live data feeds into the model, such as in-game statistics and player performance metrics, we can capture the most up-to-date information and make more precise predictions. This will require developing effective data pipelines and updating the model in real-time.

3. Exploring Advanced Machine Learning Techniques

While our proposed machine learning model has shown promising results, it is worth exploring other advanced techniques in the field of machine learning. Neural networks, ensemble models, and reinforcement learning algorithms could potentially improve prediction accuracy even further. By experimenting with different approaches, we can uncover new insights and techniques for match result forecasting.

“By considering a wider range of variables, the model can capture more nuances and improve its forecasting capabilities.”

4. Analyzing Match Context and Game Dynamics

In addition to player and team statistics, analyzing the context and dynamics of a match can provide valuable insights for forecasting match results. Factors such as home advantage, fixture congestion, and the importance of the game can significantly impact the outcome. Incorporating these contextual features into the model can lead to more accurate predictions.

5. Validating the Model with Different Leagues and Sports

While our evaluation used data from the English Premier League, it is essential to validate the model’s performance across different leagues and sports. Each league has its unique characteristics and dynamics, and the model should be tested and refined in diverse contexts to ensure its generalizability.

6. Assessing Model Interpretability

Interpretability is crucial for gaining insights from machine learning models. Further research can focus on developing techniques to explain the model’s predictions and understand the underlying factors influencing match outcomes. This will enable coaches, players, and analysts to make informed decisions based on the model’s outputs.

By exploring these future directions and conducting further research, we can continue to advance match result forecasting techniques and provide valuable insights to football teams and fans.

Future DirectionsBenefits
Refining the Model with Additional FeaturesImproved accuracy and comprehensive insights
Incorporating Real-Time DataEnhanced predictions with up-to-date information
Exploring Advanced Machine Learning TechniquesPotential for even higher prediction accuracy
Analyzing Match Context and Game DynamicsImproved understanding of match outcomes
Validating the Model with Different Leagues and SportsGeneralizability across diverse contexts
Assessing Model InterpretabilityGaining insights and making informed decisions


In conclusion, match result prediction is of utmost importance in the world of football. It not only helps teams strategize and improve player performance but also adds excitement and engagement for fans. By accurately forecasting match outcomes, teams and fans can make informed decisions and enhance their match experience.

Machine learning and deep learning models have emerged as powerful tools for match result prediction. These models, such as artificial neural networks and LSTM, analyze historical data and player performance metrics to provide accurate forecasts. Our proposed machine learning model, leveraging coaches’ decisions and player quality features, demonstrates high performance and interpretability.

By following our step-by-step guide, you can improve your ability to predict matches correctly and enhance your match outcome predictions. Whether you are a football club, coach, player, or fan, match result prediction offers practical implications and valuable insights. Embrace the power of data-driven approaches and unlock the potential to make winning predictions in the fascinating world of football.


How can I predict matches correctly every time?

To predict matches correctly every time, you can follow our step-by-step guide that provides expert tips and strategies for making winning predictions and improving your match outcome forecasts.

Why is predicting match results important in football?

Predicting match results in football is important for both football clubs and fans. It allows teams to plan their game strategies, improve player performance, and make tactical decisions. It also adds excitement and engagement for fans, who love to make their own predictions.

What is the role of data-driven approaches in match result prediction?

Data-driven approaches play a significant role in match result prediction in football. By analyzing historical data and player performance metrics, teams can develop models and algorithms that accurately forecast the outcome of a match. These approaches provide valuable insights and help teams make informed decisions.

What machine learning models are used for match outcome prediction?

Machine learning models such as artificial neural networks, decision trees, and support vector machines have been successfully applied to forecast match outcomes in football. These models analyze data and patterns to predict the likelihood of different match results.

How do deep learning models contribute to match result forecasting?

Deep learning models, such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), are used to forecast match results in football. These models can capture time dependencies and incorporate various features, resulting in improved accuracy compared to traditional machine learning models.

What is the accuracy of previous studies in match prediction?

Previous studies in match prediction have achieved varying levels of accuracy. Some studies have reported high performance using artificial neural networks and boosted tree methods. This highlights the advancements in this field and the potential for accurate match result forecasting.

What is the proposed machine learning model for match result forecasting?

Our proposed machine learning model is a generalized and interpretable framework for match result forecasting. It utilizes coaches’ decisions and player quality features to make accurate predictions. By embedding historical match statistics and utilizing XGBoost, we achieve high performance and interpretable results.

What are the practical implications of match result forecasting?

Match result forecasting has practical implications for football teams, coaches, and players. It assists in tactical decision-making, identifying strengths and weaknesses, selecting formations and players, and validating transfer targets. This knowledge can be leveraged to improve team performance and achieve better match outcomes.

How is the proposed model evaluated using English Premier League data?

To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed model, we use five years of data from the English Premier League. We compare the performance of our model with baseline betting odds predictions and analyze the results. By achieving a higher F1-score than the baseline, our model demonstrates its capability to accurately predict match results.

How is the generalization and interpretability of the model ensured?

Our proposed model is designed to be applicable in various scenarios and can adapt to different teams, formations, and player qualities. This generalization is achieved by considering coaches’ decisions and player quality features. Additionally, the model provides interpretability, allowing coaches and players to understand the relationships between their decisions and match results.

What are the future directions and further research in match result forecasting?

Future directions for match result forecasting include refining the model with additional features, incorporating real-time data for more accurate predictions, and conducting further studies in this field. These avenues for future research aim to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of match prediction models.

How does match result prediction contribute to football?

Match result prediction plays a crucial role in football as it helps teams and fans. It allows teams to make informed decisions, improve performance, and plan game strategies. For fans, it adds excitement and engagement, enabling them to make their own predictions and enhance their match outcome forecasts.